Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sometimes I wonder what everyone else is thinking about. What is the average ammount of thought that people put into their everyday lives? If you're anything like me, I think all the time, about really random things too. I wonder if stupid people know that their stupid. Why do people who can't sing always think they can, and people who can sing always think they can't? How does stupid shit get on TV? You would think someone somewhere would have put their hand up and addressed the pink elephant in the room. "Yes, Bob, you had a question," "Just what kind of brain damage does everyone here have? I don't think putting Jim Belushi in another sitcom where he plays a douchebag is going to help our ratings". Sadly honesty has become a lost art here in America.

working it out...
I think the worst thing about having a boring office job IS the fact that it is a boring office job. How tech support companies make money and stay open is beyond me. I'd say you'd be hard-pressed to say we generate any REAL work here. I for instance do maybe 2 hours of REAL, honest to god work here in an 8 hour shift. The rest of my time is spent trying to invent new ways to NOT work. The internet proxies at these places are always downright oppressive. You can't get to anything good, so you're forced to read every article that's ever been written on wikipedia, and CNN.com. That really only gets you so far into the day. Sometimes I find myself trying to sleep just so the time will pass. Blogs sometimes get you through the day, but eventually you've read all of the "older posts" and then you have to wait for them to be updated. So you update your own blog with a bunch of useless crap about how your job sucks, while you wait for somebody else to update their blog about how much their job sucks. Technology has brought us so far.
Friday, July 6, 2007
ongoing here in DFW
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
June 24 - October 21, 2007
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
3200 Darnell Street
Fort Worth, TX 76110 map
3200 Darnell Street
Fort Worth, TX 76110 map
For those children of the 80's out there Ron Mueck was part of Jim Henson's creature shop back when they made Labyrinth. He has a fine art career now doing large scale installation sculptures like the one above (In Bed, 2005. Mixed media, 63 3/4 x 255 7/8 x 155 1/2 in. (161.9 x 649.9 x 395 cm). He has 13 of his works on display at the Ft. Worth modern right now they are worth checking out.
summer reading list...
For anyone that doesn't have one and for others looking to expand theirs. Here are 3 gems.
Love is a Mixtape - by Rob Sheffield - another quick read...once you start you will read it straight through. Sheffield, has spent his life writing album reviews for the likes of Rolling Stone and Spin now turns his eye for detail on his own life. This is a heartwrenching tale of personal loss and redemption through music. Wonderfully poetic and at times altogether tragic this is one of the best books that will ever grace your bookshelf.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - by Jonathan Safran Foer - Anyone that has read or seen Everything is Illuminated should drop whatever they are doing right now and get a copy of this book. A beautiful sophmore effort from one of the premier authors of our generation. This is a bittersweet story about love, loss and rememberance. An adventure through the burroughs of New York as a young boy tries to solve one last mystery that his late father left behind. A wonderfully fun and informative read. Foer once again is able to capture, in his characters, all of the flaws, imperfections and just the simple pain of living like no other author I've ever read. In short just a phenomenal book, and worth a read.
Grab Onto Me Tightly as if I Knew The Way - by Bryan Charles - a freshman effort by what I believe to be an up and coming writer. Grab onto me is a quick read, not too difficult, wonderful storytelling, and easy to identify with. Charles, while he has not written the most difficult book of the year he has, I think really stumbled onto something very human with this coming of age story about a boy and his love for a girl with scars on her arms.
stuff I'm digging...
Kirk Hayes...I'm not usually a huge fan of trompe L'oeil because I think it is widely used to evil ends but these oil paintings are amazing if you didn't know any better you would just dismiss them as more of that found object collage that is so popular with the kids these days...Hayes is represented by conduit gallery in Dallas Texas.
(photo from www.conduitgallery.com)
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